New Client Intake Intake form for new engagements. Includes contract signing module. 1Client Profile2Dog Profile3Cat Profile4Review Terms5Confirm & Sign Owner's Contact InformationIn this section, please enter the contact information pertaining to the owner of the pet(s).Owner's Name First Last Owner's Address Street Address Address Line 2 City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code Owner's Email Address Enter Email Confirm Email Primary Phone NumberPlease enter the phone number where you are primarily reachable when services will be provided, for instance, a mobile phone.Text MessageCan your primary number send and receive text messages? Yes No Alternate Phone NumberPlease enter a phone number where you are normally reachable when you can't be reached at your primary number. For instance, a work telephone number.Preferred Contact MethodIn an emergency, we will always call you. For all other contact, which method is most convenient for you? Phone Email Text Message Third Party AccessDoes anyone else have access to your home in your absence? If yes, please describe below as a courtesy to the Handler.Emergency ContactsIn this section, please enter the contact information for any emergency contacts you wish to list. You should trust all contacts listed to make decisions about your pet(s) or property in an emergency, should you be unreachable. This section is optional.List Contacts BelowPlease list the name, telephone number, and indicate whether the contact(s) has a key to your home. In the event that you're unreachable during an emergency, we will attempt to contact these people in the order that you enter them here. Click the plus icon to add another contact to the list.NameTelephoneKey (Y/N)? Entry to HomePlease indicate how entry to your home will be provided to the Handler.Preferred Entry DoorWhich door would you prefer we use to enter your home? The entry information in the next question should pertain to this door. Front Door Side Door Back Door Garage Method of EntryPlease indicate the types of entry for your home. For keyed entry, a copy of the key must be provided to the Handler. The copy will be returned to the Owner upon completion of the specified engagement. Standard Door Lock Deadbolt Keyless Entry (Door / Garage) Other PasscodeFor any type of passcode entry, please enter the door passcode here.Other Entry MethodPlease provide details for non-standard door entry methods, such as smartphone / bluetooth or FOB access here.Alarm SystemIf there is an alarm system in your home, please provide instructions for arming/disarming it.Inclement Weather PolicyWhen the weather is not ideal for walking your dog (too hot, cold or storming), how would you like us to handle these days if your dog is scheduled for a walk? (Refer to Standard Terms to review our Inclement Weather Policy and Walk Cancellation Policy). Skip the walk/visit entirely (Cancellation of a schedued walk in this manner must have at least 12 hours notification before the start of the walk to Tracy to confirm the cancellation to avoid a penalty fee). Keep the walk brief and fill the remainder of the time with indoor play/training. Let your dog out for a brief potty break and spend the remainder of the time indoors. Walk your dog regardless of the weather, unless it is against our Inclement Weather Policy. You would like the Handler to use their best judgement in the moment, you are okay with the walk/visit being skipped, spent indoors, or adjusted accordingly. Dog Walk FrequencyIf you are signing up for dog walking, how often are you looking to have your dog walked? Monday to Fridays, typically Every week but only certain days (eg. Tuesdays and Thursdays or Tuesday to Fridays or only Wednesdays, etc.) Typically every week but different days each week (eg. shift workers) On-call only (eg. you will contact us whenever you need us) We can dicuss this during the meet and greet Dog Walk TimesIf you are signing up for dog walking, what are the times you would like the walks? Mornings (9am to 11am) Mid-day hours (11am to 2pm) Afternoons (2pm to 5pm) Flexible, anytime Add First Dog?Check yes below to add a dog to your agreement. Yes First DogDog's NameBreedCurrent AgeHow old is your dog?BirthdayIf you know the birthday of your dog, enter it here (this is optional).MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920GenderMale - NeuteredFemale - SpayedMale - Not NeuteredFemale - Not SpayedWritten DescriptionPlease describe your dog. Be sure to include colour(s), distinguishing features, and approximate weight.Dog's PreferencesBriefly list your dog's preferences. Include things such as favourite toy, favourite game, favourite treats (and how often your dog can have them).Location of Dog SuppliesUnless agreed upon between you and the Handler, you are expected to provide everything the Handler will need to care for your pet. Please identify where the following supplies for your dog are located in your home: leash, collar/harness, crate, treats, pet waste sanitary bags, trash cans for pet waste disposal, cleaning supplies, and paw/coat towels.Veterinary Contact InformationPlease enter the name of this dog's veterinarian, the practice name and address, and the veterinarian's telephone number(s).Dietary Restrictions / AllergiesDoes your dog have any dietary restrictions or allergies? Please list them below, and click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? Major Medical ConditionsPlease list any past or present major medical conditions that have affected your dog. Click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? MedicationsPlease list any medications that you dog is currently prescribed. Click the plus icon to add another line.NameDosageFrequency Temperament & AggressionPlease describe the general temperament of your dog. Has s/he ever shown aggression/fear towards people or other animals? If so, please explain. Are there any known behavioural triggers for this behaviour?Behavioural ConcernsAre there any observed behaviours which concern you? Examples include resource guarding, separation anxiety, sibling rivalry, et cetera.Known Fears and StressorsAre there any known fears or stressors that affect your dog which we should be aware of? Click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? Physical & Sensory ImpairmentsAre there any physical or sensory impairments that affect your dog, and are there any restrictions because of them? Click the plus icon to add another line.ImpairmentRestriction Feeding InstructionsPlease describe your dog's dietary requirements. Include food location, amount given, time of day when feeding is provided, and any other special instructions that apply.Other InformationIs there any other relevant information that can help ensure the safety and comfort of your dog or the Handler?RepresentationsCollection of the information in this section is used to satisfy the insurance requirements of the Handler. Our insurance carrier requires that we ask them, but your answers do not necessarily affect the availability of service. Please check all that apply. Rabies shots and vaccinations for this dog are current. This dog is in good general health. This dog obeys basic commands, such as stay, sit, come, and leave it. This dog is generally friendly towards children. This dog is generally friendly towards adults. This dog is generally friendly towards other dogs. This dog is reactive towards other dogs when on lead. This dog is generally friendly towards other animals. This dog is not nursing its offspring. This dog has never been declared a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog, or a vicious or potentially vicious dog by any agency. This dog does not have to be muzzled in public. This dog is not a trained guard dog or protection dog. Add Second Dog?Check this box to add another dog to your agreement. Yes Second DogDog's NameBreedCurrent AgeHow old is your dog?BirthdayIf you know the birthday of your dog, enter it here (this is optional).MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920GenderMale - NeuteredFemale - SpayedMale - Not NeuteredFemale - Not SpayedWritten DescriptionPlease describe your dog. Be sure to include colour(s), distinguishing features, and approximate weight.Dog's PreferencesBriefly list your dog's preferences. Include things such as favourite toy, favourite game, favourite treats (and how often your dog can have them).Location of Dog SuppliesUnless agreed upon between you and the Handler, you are expected to provide everything the Handler will need to care for your pet. Please identify where the following supplies for your dog are located in your home: leash, collar/harness, crate, treats, pet waste sanitary bags, trash cans for pet waste disposal, cleaning supplies, and paw/coat towels.Veterinary Contact InformationPlease enter the name of this dog's veterinarian, the practice name and address, and the veterinarian's telephone number(s).Dietary Restrictions / AllergiesDoes your dog have any dietary restrictions or allergies? Please list them below, and click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? Major Medical ConditionsPlease list any past or present major medical conditions that have affected your dog. Click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? MedicationsPlease list any medications that you dog is currently prescribed. Click the plus icon to add another line.NameDosageFrequency Temperament & AggressionPlease describe the general temperament of your dog. Has s/he ever shown aggression/fear towards people or other animals? If so, please explain. Are there any known behavioural triggers for this behaviour?Behavioural ConcernsAre there any observed behaviours which concern you? Examples include resource guarding, separation anxiety, sibling rivalry, et cetera.Known Fears and StressorsAre there any known fears or stressors that affect your dog which we should be aware of? Click the plus icon to add another line.What?Severity? Physical & Sensory ImpairmentsAre there any physical or sensory impairments that affect your dog, and are there any restrictions because of them? Click the plus icon to add another line.ImpairmentRestriction Feeding InstructionsPlease describe your dog's dietary requirements. Include food location, amount given, time of day when feeding is provided, and any other special instructions that apply.Other InformationIs there any other relevant information that can help ensure the safety and comfort of your dog or the Handler?RepresentationsCollection of the information in this section is used to satisfy the insurance requirements of the Handler. Our insurance carrier requires that we ask them, but your answers do not necessarily affect the availability of service. Please check all that apply. Rabies shots and vaccinations for this dog are current. This dog is in good general health. This dog obeys basic commands, such as stay, sit, come, and leave it. This dog is generally friendly towards children. This dog is generally friendly towards adults. This dog is generally friendly towards other dogs. This dog is reactive towards other dogs when on lead. This dog is generally friendly towards other animals. This dog is not nursing its offspring. This dog has never been declared a dangerous or potentially dangerous dog, or a vicious or potentially vicious dog by any agency. This dog does not have to be muzzled in public. This dog is not a trained guard dog or protection dog. Review General Terms & ConditionsThese terms and conditions have been created in the spirit of providing fair, responsible, well-intentioned care for your furry friends and property. We will provide advance notice in the event that they change, though we anticipate that this will rarely occur. Clicking each link will open the associated document in a new window. You will not lose your place unless you close this window. We recommend clicking on the Save and Continue later link now to save your work. Please review the following before proceeding: Standard Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Review of Standard TermsI have reviewed and agree to the Privacy Policy and Standard Terms and Conditions. Yes Inclusion on Social MediaWe love your pets just as much as we love our own! The Sophisticated Dog routinely takes photographs and shares images and updates with the local community of animal lovers via social media (Facebook) of the animals we care for. It is also a great way to see how comfortable your dog is when out on a walk with us. Posts never include personally identifiable information about owners, and you can revoke your consent at any time by emailing us. Do we have your permission to use images of your pets for this purpose? Yes No Shared Responsibility Access for Dog WalksThe Sophisticated Dog employs a team of highly qualified, trained and trustworthy Dog Handlers to meet the needs of our clients. We are insured, bonded and have a clean criminal record check for all those on our roster. In order for us to provide you with the flexibility to schedule and cancel services as needed, we need you to understand and accept that your Dog Handler might not always be the same person. Tracy L. Wood has handpicked and trained all those who work for her. After being present for the introduction of a new dog to a new Handler, Tracy also frequently walks your dog(s) along side of the Handler every couple of weeks – just to make sure everything is okay. Your dog will get to know all the Handlers we employ but will primarily be walked by one of us. By having a backup Handler, we can ensure you that your dog never has to miss his/her much loved walk! During our meet and greet, you can request to meet one of our walkers along with Tracy L. Wood. Are you comfortable with this arrangement? Yes No I would like to discuss it further Were You Referred?We like to give our thanks to those who refer new clients to us. If you were referred to us, please let us know who made the referral so we can show our appreciation! Acceptance of AgreementDate of AcceptanceThis field lists the date of your acceptance of the quote provided separately, the privacy policy, and the standard terms and conditions. MM slash DD slash YYYY SignatureTo indicate your acceptance of this agreement, please enter your full name in capital letters in the field below. By doing so, you warrant your authority to enter into this agreement. DeclarationBy checking yes below, you indicate that all information entered into this document is accurate, truthful, and complete to the best of your knowledge. Yes CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.