Sit. Smile. Wag.
Are you and your dog having a hard time understanding each other? Behavioural problems can prevent you and your dog from enjoying each others company. Tracy loves nothing more than helping owners understand their dogs better.
Our EnhancedCare program is specifically designed to target the needs of our clients who wish to have a better relationship with their dog. There may be behaviours happening that prevents a dog owner from truly enjoying their beloved pooch in every moment. We love to see people enjoying their dogs and having fun with them, especially when it comes to walking. If you are struggling to enjoy your dog in any way, please contact us to talk about what is going on.
We are here to help you better communicate your wants to your dog and to explain to you just what is going through your dog’s mind when they act the way they do. Tracy L. Wood has been working with dogs for almost a decade. To learn more about her and her credentials, go here.
Private dog training is all about meeting the needs of your dog and your training goals. To make this happen, Tracy custom creates every training program, including reading and research material for the client. A consulting meeting between you and Tracy will help Tracy gather the necessary information to create the program that is right for you. The program package is created and sent off to you for review. Once the program has been approved by you, private training sessions are scheduled as needed throughout the length of the program.
The initial consulting meeting, including the creation of your training program, is a one-time charge of $100. Your training program is a lengthy document that takes hours to create and the price reflects that time and effort.
Within your program, there will be 30 minute and/or 60 minute private training sessions scheduled, depending on the specifics of your case. Each session is charged individually and can range anywhere from $20 to $60.
To learn more about how we train and our dog training philosophies, please go here.